Sewing Pillows with Cording

how to sew pillows

Pub­lished 1/13/2014 Recent­ly,  I fin­ished these col­or­ful dec­o­ra­tive pil­lows for a friend. The fab­rics I used were an embroi­dered polyester/cotton for the body and brown vel­veteen fab­ric for the out­er piping. Once I began cut­ting and sewing, I  was on a roll and thought I’d start and fin­ish the pil­lows in one night (maybe 2). But after fin­ish­ing one the pil­low cov­ers the first night & stuff­ing them with the...

Le Velvet Smoking Jacket: Gomez Addams & Chirp Thing

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family Lace Dress

We all know the most inter­est­ing man in the world drinks Dos Equis, but do you know what he wears? It’s a shame smok­ing jack­ets are no longer pop­u­lar and rarely seen on men today. These mid thigh-length vel­vet & silk robes are bad ass!  Just imag­ine how lux­u­ri­ous & relax­ing life would be if men wore smok­ing jack­ets dur­ing their morn­ing cof­fee or evening read­ing by the fire. Per­haps,...

Little Black Velvet Dress

What makes a hol­i­day even bet­ter than any ordi­nary day? Design­ing your very own out­fit for the day! As much as I loved cre­at­ing my East­er out­fits over the years, I nev­er attempt­ed to cre­ate my own Christmas/holiday par­ty dress­es.  Typ­i­cal­ly I’m swamped with work and usu­al­ly wear slacks because of the freez­ing tem­per­a­tures! So regard­less of those things, this year I made it my goal to start & fin­ish a dress for...