Ukrainian Embroidered Dress

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered Dress in Honor of My Babcha  My Babcha was a spe­cial woman. Her sto­ry is quite remark­able and the lessons she taught me were even more so.  I only hope to be as strong as her and pass on her spir­it to others. Aside from her wis­dom, her love of sewing was passed on to me. My babcha was an incred­i­ble seam­stress! She was self taught and...

Ukrainian Vyshyvanka

Ukrainian embroidered linen dresses

Hand Embroidered Ukrainian Shirts and Dresses Pub­lished 20/23/2018 Here are just a few absolute­ly stun­ning pho­tos of my sis­ter’s fam­i­ly photoshoot. Each piece was embroi­dered by my mom. My grand­moth­er sewed the adult vyshy­van­ka dress around 35 years ago and I sewed the girls’ vyshy­van­ka dress­es and the baby’s bap­tismal gown, which my sis­ter stuffed in his pants. The pho­tos were tak­en by Indi­ana pho­tog­ra­ph­er Adi­na Brown-Sel­ner. Her pho­tog­ra­phy busi­ness is called...

Ukrainian Bridesmaid Dress

Ukrainian bridesmaid dress

Pub­lished August 8, 2013 “Made in Honor” Dress The maid of hon­or dress for my sis­ter’s wed­ding ( tomor­row) will be extra special! The top por­tion of the dress was my babcha’s Ukrain­ian embroidery. After my babcha passed away, my aunt gave me some of my babcha’s unfin­ished embroi­dery. At first, I was torn on what I should make out of it. So I left the embroi­dery  aside until I was...

October Projects ~Marusya

Ukrainian wedding embroidery

Sep­tem­ber was just as busy as August! How­ev­er, I spent the major­i­ty of my cre­ative time doing alter­ations, sewing hand­bags, pat­tern mak­ing, and work­ing on large projects. Here is a list of some of the projects com­ing up in October! I’ll  like­ly share more details and pic­tures of the projects in future posts. Some of these projects are for wed­dings and I don’t want to give away too much ahead...

Maid of Honor Dress and More Wedding Photos (Part 2 of 3)

Custom made dress by Anagrassia Marusya August wedding red and white Ukrainian theme

I quick­ly fin­ished my “Maid of Hon­or” dress before the wed­ding. I did­n’t have the time or ener­gy to think hard about what kind of top I should design. Instead, I free hand­ed a sim­ple bodice pat­tern for the top por­tion of the dress. I plan to use the embroi­dery piece for a more tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian blouse, so I was­n’t too con­cerned about fit or quality. The skirt hem­line was...