Velvet Jacket for Beranger Gras

velvet men's jacket

Pub­lished 5/30/2017 One of my larg­er projects this year was also some­thing rather spon­ta­neous. I designed and con­struct­ed a jack­et for an up-and-com­ing musi­cian in Ger­many, Beranger Gras. I was excit­ed to work with Beranger because his music is a mix of clas­si­cal and grunge sounds. Not only is his style real­ly cool and unique, but his way of mix­ing and pair­ing the old with the new is what I...


deep gold ochre green tunic cape blouse

Shop new tunics on web­site here or on Etsy I’m very excit­ed to announce the release of my first ADULT man­u­fac­tured product! This tunic design is a com­bi­na­tion of every­thing I desire in a tunic: ochre and/or ivory col­ors, cov­ers the back hips and butt, boat neck­line, fit­ted ¾ sleeves, tighter around the shoul­ders, not trans­par­ent, heav­ier in weight, and does not look like a mater­ni­ty top. There are 2 lay­ers of...