Ukrainian Bridesmaid Dress

Ukrainian bridesmaid dress

Pub­lished August 8, 2013

Made in Honor” Dress

The maid of hon­or dress for my sis­ter’s wed­ding ( tomor­row) will be extra special!

The top por­tion of the dress was my babcha’s Ukrain­ian embroidery.

How to sew Ukrainian embroidery

After my babcha passed away, my aunt gave me some of my babcha’s unfin­ished embroi­dery. At first, I was torn on what I should make out of it. So I left the embroi­dery  aside until I was inspired to cre­ate something. 

Well- I got inspired to use it for this dress!

I was extreme­ly excit­ed to get start­ed on this top!

So, I quick­ly fin­ished the embroi­dery and cre­at­ed the bodice pat­tern one evening!

Red and Black Embroidery
Ukrainian red and black embroidery

Here is a sneak peek of tomor­row outfit!

Ukrainian bridesmaid dress

4 thoughts on “Ukrainian Bridesmaid Dress

  1. Helen Barnett

    I have been so touched read­ing this blog which my friend, Olga, told me about. You are such a beau­ti­ful and cre­ative per­son. Your love and care of your fam­i­ly mem­bers as shown by the use of your imag­i­na­tion and sewing skills in prepar­ing for the wed­ding and the rev­er­ence for your grand­moth­er speaks vol­umes about you and your fam­i­ly. (For love is as strong as death. Song of Songs 8:6)


  2. Mary Danner

    Beau­ti­ful! It is won­der­ful to see the thought that you have put into each of the gar­ments that you have cre­at­ed for the wed­ding. What a touch­ing trib­ute to your Babcha’s mem­o­ry to include her embroi­dered piece. Every­thing speaks vol­umes to the beau­ti­ful per­son that you are 🙂 Now I hope you can relax and enjoy your “pow­er” weekend!


  3. Maid of Honor Dress and More Wedding Photos (Part 2 of 3)Marusya Marusya | Marusya Marusya

    […] quick­ly fin­ished my “Made of Hon­or” dress before the wed­ding. I did­n’t have the time or ener­gy to think hard about what kind of top I […]


  4. Floral bridesmaid dress, silk and lace wedding gown, custom-made wedding gown, anagrassia, marusya, Ukrainian |

    […] …the cus­tom made wed­ding gown/mother of the bride dress/maid of hon­or dress […]


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